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Agility Ladder For Tennis

Develop Better Co-ordination, Balance, Quickness and Agility

The Agility Ladder is one of the best tennis training tools to improve agility and speed around the court. When combined with the explosive power developed by plyometric training, you can’t help but become a better co-ordinated, better balanced, quicker, more agile and explosive player.

Agility Ladder for tennis If you’re looking to improve your ability to change direction quickly, the Agility Ladder is an essential training tool for any young player. By allowing you to practice a wide range of foot and movement patterns -- ranging from simple to extremely complicated -- highly skilled movements become second nature, which is exactly what is required when you need to quickly change direction on the court.

I haven’t yet put together an extensive enough range of Agility Ladder exercises, with video demonstrations of each, but by clicking here, you’ll get an idea of the scope that the ladder offers.

If you like, by clicking here, you’ll be taken to a page where you can order a video or DVD of what the advertising blurb says is "the most extensive and innovative speed ladder training video ever produced."

It goes on to say that "Tim Mclellan’s philosophy of ‘the body becomes as functioned’ is carried out at nearly every imaginable level of stimulation as he offers 75 drills/variations for developing speed, agility, and quickness using the speed ladder. These drill progressions cover forward, backward, lateral, and non-linear movement along with the application/incorporation of plyometrics. Speed development concepts such as tempo, rhythm, fast feet, acceleration, deceleration, and change of direction are all covered.

McClellan explains all of the exercises as athletes clearly demonstrate every drill. He also shares beginning, intermediate, and advanced drill progressions. These concepts are easily adaptable for athletes at any level, in any sport, who want to become faster, quicker, and more agile!"

Now, please note that I have not seen this Agility Ladder Video. Therefore, I’m not (yet) recommending it. However, I do intend to buy it as I hope it can help expand my own range of Agility Ladder exercises. I'll let you know.

Meanwhile, if you happen to know anything about it, please use my contact page to let me know.


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